Sævar – Hrís­ey

You can only book tickets online and on board the Hríseyjar ferry Sævar. Passengers must arrive no later than 15 minutes before departure.

Table of contents

General inquiries can be sent to the email address almenningssamgongur@vegagerdin.is or contact the crew at +354 695-5544.

Cancellation Policy:

When you cancel more than 24 hours in advance, you can get a refund.

When you cancel less than 24 hours in advance, you cannot get a refund

Book a trip


  • Almenningssamgöngur ehf.
  • kt. 430676-0169, VSK númer 4116
  • Suðurhraun 3, 210 Garðabær
  • Sími 522-1000 og netfang ams@vegagerdin.is