Sæfari – Gríms­ey

Tickets can only be booked online and on board the ferry. Passengers must arrive no later than 30 minutes before departure.

Table of contents

Please note that you can only book cars on the ferry by calling +354 853-2211 or sending an email to saefari@vegagerdin.is. If the ferry is fully booked, please also contact +354 853-2211 or email saefari@vegagerdin.is.

Cancellation Policy:
Please note that there is no refund if booking is cancelled within 24 hours of departure. If you cancel your booking with more than 24 hours in advance, you can get a refund but we charge a cancellation fee of 500 ISK.


Book a trip


  • Almenningssamgöngur ehf.
  • kt. 430676-0169, VSK númer 4116
  • Suðurhraun 3, 210 Garðabær
  • Sími 522-1000 og netfang ams@vegagerdin.is