Related papers published in connection with the development of the Icelandic Information system on Weather and Seastate for Seafareres:

VIGGÓSSON,G., SIGURDARSON, S., JONSDOTTIR, I., 1993. Wave measurement in Iceland, Climate trends and future offshore design and operation criteria, Workshop No. 2, DNMI, Norway.

Gísli Viggósson, Hjalti Harðarson, Steingrímur Gunnarsson, Guðjón Scheving Tryggvason: Data collection and information system on weather and sea-state for seafarers, 1994. Hornafjordur Int. Coastal Symposium, Icelandic Harbour Authority.

DAHLE, E., A., MYRHAUG, D., 1994. Risk analysis applied to capsize of smaller vessels in breaking waves. Proc. Hornafjordur International Coastal Symposium, Iceland. pp 629 - 636.

MYRHAUG, D., BELBEROVA, D., and DAHLE, E.A,. 1994. Estimation of frequency of encountering dangerous waves situations at sea. Proc. Hornafjordur International Coastal Symposium, Iceland. pp 655 - 666.

Gísli Viggósson: The Icelandic Information System on Weather and Seastate for Seafareres: Data collection and information system on weather and sea-state for seafarers.
1996. Proceedings of the 6 th European Harbour Masters Association Congress.

Dahle, E.A., Myrhaug, D. and Viggósson, G., 1997. Information system on waves and stability of small vessels. IMA Report no.2. Iceland.

Viggósson, G., Bjartmarsson, B., Gunnarsson, S., and Tryggvason, G. S., 1998. The Icelandic Information System on Weather and Sea State for Seafarers. Journal of Coastal Research. Royal Palm Beach, Florida. Spring 1998. pp. 238 – 245.

Sylvi Vefsnmo, Arne Lothe and Gisli Viggósson. Forecast of Marine Icing on Vessels. The Eighth international Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures. Reykjavik 8 – 11 June 1998.

Sylvi Vesnmo. Icing simulations on SKUMUR. SINTEF REPORT STF22 F99212. Þrándheimur. 1999.

Gísli Viggósson. Upplýsingakerfi um veður og sjólag. Árbók VFÍ TFÍ 1999/2000.

Dahle D. E., Viggósson G., and Myrhaug D., 2001. Safe Operation of Fishing Vessels based upon Continuous Measurements of Environmental Conditions and Vessels Stability. Proceeding of Small Craft Safety. The Royal Institution of Naval Architects. London U.K.

Gisli Viggósson, Dag Myrhaug and Emil A. The Relation Between Environment, stability and Operation for Fishing Vessels.

Ólöf Rós Káradóttir og Gunnar Guðni Tómasson. Nýtt sjávarfallalíkan fyrir Ísland. Gangverk, fréttabréf VST, 2003.

Gisli Viggósson. Applied Science and Operational Safety of Ships and Harbours in Iceland. Proceedings of the Second International Coastal Symposium in Iceland, 5-8 June 2005.

Þorvaldur Sigurjonsson, Jón Bjornsson, Gísli Viggósson. Motion Measurements of Vessels at Sea. Proceedings of the Second International Coastal Symposium in Iceland, 5-8 June 2005.

Sigurdur Ólafsson. Navigating the Hornafjordur Tidal Entrance. Proceedings of the Second International Coastal Symposium in Iceland, 5-8 June 2005.

Per A. Brodtkorb. Probability of Occurrence of High and Steep Waves. Proceedings of the Second International Coastal Symposium in Iceland, 5-8 June 2005.

Emil Aall Dahle1, Per A. Brodtkorb, Hanne T. Wist, Dag Myrhaug and Håvard Rue. Capsize in Beam Seas caused by Single Waves and by Resonance between Ship and Wave Train. Proceedings of the Second International Coastal Symposium in Iceland, 5-8 June 2005.

Gunnar Guðni Tómasson and Ólöf Rós Káradóttir. A two dimensional numerical model of astronomical tide and storm surge in the North Atlantic Ocean. Proceedings of the Second International Coastal Symposium in Iceland, 5-8 June 2005.

Gunnar Guðni Tómasson and Ólöf Rós Káradóttir. Applications of the two dimensional numerical model of astronomical tide and storm surge in the North Atlantic Ocean. Proceedings of the Second International Coastal Symposium in Iceland, 5-8 June 2005.

Ólöf Rós Káradóttir. Hvar var þorskurinn? Gangverk, fréttabréf VST, 2005.

Vilhjálmur Þorsteinsson og fleiri. Sjávarfallatengt atferli þorsks. Skýrsla til Rannsóknasjóðs vegna forverkefnisstyrks. Hafrannsóknastofnun, 2005.

Vilhjálmur Þorsteinsson. Sjávarfallastaðsetningar. Hafrannsóknastofnun, nóvember 2004.